Sort by. level 1. novel_yet_trivial. · 1y. To do what you want you need to convert to a string first. tom = () + datetime.timedelta (days=1) print (str (tom).split ('/')) But you probably don't need to split the datetime value. What information are you trying to get out? To get the new day, for instance, use the day attribute:
25.09.2019 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. If I understand your question correctly, then in your code: leave_remaining = self.end_day - datetime.timedelta (days=1) return leave_remaining.days. leave_remaining is a that is 1 day prior to self.end_day, which I think is what you want; just return the date directly like ...
... today Returns a datetime object for the current local date and time. When tz is not None, returns an aware datetime object with ...
15.10.2012 · from datetime import datetime. Then simply write the code as: date = datetime (int (year), int (month), 1) But if you have used: import datetime. then only you can write: date = datetime.datetime (int (2005), int (5), 1) Share. Improve this answer.
... Hand integer IS1 Inventory Date datetime IS1 Reorder Level integer Table 6.20 ... It also has a corresponding Line Item attribute that together with the ...
13.10.2018 · There are at least three problems with what you are trying to achieve: Don't use objects within a Pandas series. Use Pandas-friendly pd.Timestamp to create datetime series via pd.to_datetime.This allows you to take advantage of NumPy arrays and efficient vectorised operations.
15.03.2013 · AttributeError: '' object has no attribute 'date' 1415. UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128) 180. type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime' 1203. Relative imports for the billionth time. 106.