1 NOK to EUR (Norwegian Krone to Euro) FX Convert
fxconvert.net › converter › nok-eur1 NOK to EUR Chart Graph This graph show how much is 1 Norwegian Krones in Euros - 0.10117 EUR, according to actual pair rate equal 1 NOK = 0.1012 EUR. Yesterday this currency exchange rate plummeted on -0.00108 and was € 0.10009 Euros for kr 1. On the last week currencies rate was cheaper for €-0.00309 EUR. Last month was lower on - € 0.00118.
1 NOK til EUR – Konverter Norsk krone til Euro ...
https://wise.com/no/currency-converter/nok-to-eur-rate?amount=11 nok: 0,10394 eur: 5 nok: 0,51971 eur: 10 nok: 1,03943 eur: 20 nok: 2,07886 eur: 50 nok: 5,19715 eur: 100 nok: 10,39430 eur: 250 nok: 25,98575 eur: 500 nok: 51,97150 eur: 1000 nok: 103,94300 eur: 2000 nok: 207,88600 eur: 5000 nok: 519,71500 eur: 10000 nok: 1039,43000 eur
NOK til EUR – Konverter Norsk krone til Euro ...
https://wise.com/no/currency-converter/nok-to-eur-rate1 nok: 0,10561 eur: 5 nok: 0,52805 eur: 10 nok: 1,05610 eur: 20 nok: 2,11220 eur: 50 nok: 5,28050 eur: 100 nok: 10,56100 eur: 250 nok: 26,40250 eur: 500 nok: 52,80500 eur: 1000 nok: 105,61000 eur: 2000 nok: 211,22000 eur: 5000 nok: 528,05000 eur: 10000 nok: 1056,10000 eur
1 NOK to EUR | Exchange Rates
f-rates.com › NOK-to-EURToday 1 Norwegian Krone is worth 0.10123 EUR while 1 Euro is worth 9.87890 NOK. Norwegian Krone / Euro ratio is the value of the Norwegian Krone in Euro. NOK/EUR thus refers to the exchange rate of the Norwegian Krone in Euro, ie the value of the Norwegian currency expressed in European currency. The notation used is NOK / EUR, but there are others, such as NOKEUR or NOK-EUR.