100 Sentences of Present Perfect Tense | Examples of Present Perfect Tense 1.My sister has already made a big cake. 2.You have grown since the last time I saw you. 3.It hasn’t drunk the water. 4.I have seen that movie. 5.We haven’t received any mail since we were retired. 6.They haven’t gone to the shopping center. 7.Have they played the piano?
24 Ejemplos de oraciones presente perfecto (interrogativo) en ingles y español. El presente perfecto (present perfect tense) forma preguntas escribiendo have o has antes del sujeto, solo se escribe el signo de interrogación de cierre.
Present perfect tense combines the present tense and the perfect aspect used to express an event that happened in the past that has present consequences. This tense is used to show a link between the present and past and is commonly used in everyday conversations, in the news, on the radio, and when writing letters.
07.05.2017 · 10 oraciones con ever en presente perfecto en ingles: 1) I have ever talked to Peter 2) I have ever smoked cigarettes 3) You have ever drinked alcohol 4) She has ever ate sushi 5) They have ever made a party 6) He has ever kissed a girl 7) I have ever climbed a mountain 8) I have ever played soccer 9) You have ever been to Paris
25.05.2021 · These are some present perfect questions and answers Have you ever been drunk? No, I haven’t, I don’t like to drink Have you ever been arrested? No,I haven’t. Hopefully everything keeps the same way Have you ever thrown up inside of a vehicle? Yes, I have. I got sick when travelling long distances. Have you ever done surfing? No, I haven’t.
I have gone (Yo he ido) You have gone (Tú has ido) He has gone (Él ha ido) She has gone (Ella ha ido) It has gone (Eso ha ido) We have gone (Nosotros hemos ido) You have gone (Usted ha ido) They have gone (Ellos han ido) Ejemplos con verbos regulares: I have worked for my uncle. (Yo he trabajado para mi tío) She has finished her homework.
Ejemplos ; I've been studying English for two years. He estado estudiando inglés durante dos años. ; You have been working for three years. Has estado trabajando ...
03.09.2020 · Present Perfect Examples with Since: These are some examples of sentences using the present perfect and the word since: I have worked here since April. I have spent three months in Jail since my arrest. She has been here since last Tuesday. She has saved a lot of money since she finished the university. We haven’t seen the suspect since last ...
30 Ejemplos de oraciones presente perfecto en ingles y español · He has read the book that you gave me yesterday. · She has spoken with him several times. · We ...
(presente perfecto) Acciones que pasaron en un momento no especificado antes del presente: I have beento Tokyo. (He ido a Tokio.) How many times haveyou beento Tokyo? (¿Cuántas veces has ido a Tokio? She has learnedto speak Russian. (Ha aprendido a hablar ruso.) Stacy has becomevery successful. (Stacy se ha hecho muy exitosa.) How hasshe doneit?
El present perfect se utiliza cuando se quiere describir alguna de estas situaciones: La acción iniciada en el pasado continúa en el presente. Ejemplo: He has played tennis all his life. (Él ha jugado al tenis toda su vida.) Lo que se infiere de la oración del ejemplo es que aún juega al tenis. La acción se realiza durante un período de ...
Los ejemplos del Present Perfect Tense (presente perfecto) arriba te ayudarán a entender y usar este tiempo verbal de manera correcta y natural. También es importante conocer sus usos y reglas - visita la página del Present Perfect Tense (presente perfecto) para hacerlo.
16.07.2019 · 1 i have ever talked to peter 2 i have ever smoked cigarettes 3 you have ever drinked alcohol 4 she has ever ate sushi 5 they have ever made a party 6 he has ever kissed a girl 7 i have ever climbed a mountain 8 i have ever played soccer 9 you have ever been to paris 10 she has ever danced salsa. I have cooked something special for my son.
Ejemplos de oraciones en presente perfecto · I have worked in London (He trabajado en Londres). · She has learned how to deal with it (Ella ha aprendido cómo ...
2. El maestro ha dejado tarea. 3. El restaurante ha cambiado su decoración. 4. Los libros han desaparecido. 5. La policía ha capturado al ladrón. 6. La película ...
30 Ejemplos de oraciones presente perfecto en ingles y español El presente perfecto (present perfect tense) nos sirve para expresar una acción que sucedió en un momento del pasado, o que se repitió muchas veces en el pasado, o una acción que se inició en el pasado y continua hasta el presente.
Ejemplos de oraciones en Present Perfect · 1. We have lived in this house for over twenty years. · 2. She has never been to Florida. · 3. I'm bored; I have seen ...
El present perfect se utiliza cuando se quiere describir alguna de estas situaciones: La acción iniciada en el pasado continúa en el presente. Ejemplo: He has played tennis all his life. (Él ha jugado al tenis toda su vida.) Lo que se infiere de la oración del ejemplo es que aún juega al tenis. La acción se realiza durante un período de ...
El presente perfecto (present perfect tense) forma preguntas escribiendo have o has antes del sujeto, solo se escribe el signo de interrogación de cierre. Ejemplos con verbos regulares: Have you worked for your uncle? (¿Has trabajado para tu tío?) Has she finished her homework? (¿Ella ha terminado su tarea?)