Military Auxiliary Radio System > Home - AF official website for the MARS. MISSION - The United States Air Force Military Auxiliary Radio System provides contingency communications support on behalf of the men and women of the Department of Defense and other U.S. Government users in support of their important and diverse national security missions whenever, however and wherever required.
Mars (planet) – Wikipedia (planet) Mars ( symbol : ) er den fjerde planeten fra solen i vårt solsystem og er oppkalt etter den romerske krigsguden Mars. Planeten blir ofte beskrevet som den «røde planeten» på grunn av sitt rustrøde utseende, forårsaket av jern (III)oksid på overflaten. Mars er en steinplanet med en tynn atmosfære.
US Army MARS › homeArmy MARS on the Internet: This page is the official distribution point of Army MARS (AMARS) materials; and is operated and maintained by personnel assigned by US Army NETCOM, FT Huachuca AZ until such time its content and function are transferred to a permanent site on the .mil domain.
Convert Mils to Inches (mil → in) Mils = 0.001 Inches: 10 Mils = 0.01 Inches: 2500 Mils = 2.5 Inches: 2 Mils = 0.002 Inches: 20 Mils = 0.02 Inches: 5000 Mils = 5 Inches: 3 Mils = 0.003 Inches: 30 Mils = 0.03 Inches: 10000 Mils = 10 Inches: 4 Mils = 0.004 Inches: 40 Mils = 0.04 Inches: 25000 Mils = 25 Inches: 5 Mils = 0.005 Inches: 50 Mils = 0.05 Inches: 50000 Mils = 50 Inches: 6 Mils = 0.006 Inches: 100 Mils = 0.1 …