(New) Journal Impact Factor: Download the latest list 2021 ...
phdtalks.org › 2021 › 05The journal with the highest Impact Factor is the one that published the most commonly cited articles over a 2-year period. In a given year, the Impact Factor of a journal is the average number of citations received per article published in that journal during the 2 preceding years. Impact Factors are calculated each year by Thomson scientific.
Journal Impact Factor
impactfactorforjournal.com5.994: 1349: Quantum Science and Technology: 5.994: 1351: ECOGRAPHY: 5.992: 1351: NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION: 5.992: 1353: BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION: 5.990: 1354: Big Data & Society: 5.987: 1354: CANCER GENE THERAPY: 5.987: 1356: Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience: 5.986: 1357: MACROMOLECULES: 5.985: 1358: Environmental Health: 5.984: 1359: INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA: 5.982: 1360