70cm Band Plan - WWARA
https://www.wwara.org/documents/70cmbandplan70cm Band Plan. The WWARA is modernizing how the band plans are published. While the format is very different, it is meant to represent the 70cm band plan published before November 2020, just in a easier to understand format. Because of the size of the document, a PDF version is also available to download.
70 Centimeters (420-450) MHz Band Plan
home.ctspectrum.com › band plans › 420-mhz70 Centimeters (420-450) MHz Band Plan 420.000 - 426.000 ATV Use with a 421.250 MHz Video Carrer & Control links,Experimental 426.000 - 432.000 432.000 - 432.070 EME (Earth-Moon-Earth modes) 432.070 - 432.100 Weak Signal CW 432.100 70-CM SSB Calling Frequency 432.100 - 432.300 Mixed Mode & Weak Signal 432.300 - 432.400 Propagation Beacons
ARIZONA 70 CM BAND PLAN - azfreqcoord.org
www.azfreqcoord.org › bp › 70cmbpARIZONA 70 CM BAND PLAN 440.00000 MHz – 449.97500 MHz Arizona adopted the ARRL UHF band plan with minor changes and additions. This listing is provided to assist in identifying specific sub-band usage. Please consult your state ARCA Frequency Coordinator for help finding suitable repeater frequencies.
Band Plan - arrl.org
arrl.org/band-plan9 cm Band Plan Notes. Note 1 – Includes all other emission modes authorized in the 9 cm amateur band whose necessary bandwidth does not exceed the suggested bandwidths listed. Note 2 – Weak Signal Terrestrial legacy users are encouraged to move to 3400.3 to 3401.0 MHz as time and resources permit.
70cm Band Plan - WWARA
www.wwara.org › documents › 70cmbandplan70cm Band Plan The WWARA is modernizing how the band plans are published. While the format is very different, it is meant to represent the 70cm band plan published before November 2020, just in a easier to understand format. Because of the size of the document, a PDF version is also available to download.