https://www.letpub.com/journalapp/index.php?view=detail&journalid=7313precision engineering-journal of the international societies for precision engineering and nanotechnology: 1.167: international journal of advanced manufacturing technology: 1.103: international journal of computer integrated manufacturing: 1.071: journal of scheduling: 1.051: packaging technology and science: 1.013: design studies: 0.969
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing ...
www.springer.com › journal › 170Types of Papers. Review articles provide readers with assessments of advances, as well as projected developments in key areas of advanced manufacturing technology. We expect that a typical review article will occupy twelve to fifteen pages in journal format, and have a substantial number of citations, which justify the comprehensive nature of the review.
机械领域相关SCI期刊(上) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/59186153The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology bridges the gap between pure research journals and the more practical publications on advanced manufacturing and systems. It therefore provides an outstanding forum for papers covering applications-based research topics relevant to manufacturing processes, machines and process integration.