267 rader · Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols are used to communicate and detail the characteristics of an engineering drawing.This list includes abbreviations common to the vocabulary of people who work with engineering drawings in the manufacture and inspection of parts and assemblies.
Oct 21, 2020 · You can find the list of common engineering drawing abbreviations. AF: Across Flats. ASSY: Assembly. CM: Centimeters. CL: Center line. CHAM: Chamfered. CH HD: Cheese Head. CSK: Countersink. CSK HD: Countersink Head. C’BORE or CBORE: Counterbore. CYL: Cylinder or Cylindrical. DATUM: Datum System “: Degree (of angle) DIA: Diameter. DIM: Dimension. DRG: Drawing
Abbreviations for "diameter" include ⌀, DIA, and D. D: diameter; delta: Abbreviations for "diameter" include ⌀, DIA, and D. For delta usage, see for example "delta notes". DIA: diameter: Diameter of a circle. Abbreviations for "diameter" include ⌀, DIA, and D. DIP: ductile iron pipe: DIM: dimension, dimensioning: DO, do: ditto
ations and acronyms for use on engineering drawings and related documents. ... Spaces shall not be inserted within an abbreviation. 3.4 Capitalization.
28.07.2015 · From my experience designing in the Automotive design industry, specifically manufacturing machinery and tool & die design, it is still common to see "4 PLCS" or "4 PLS" used for "4 Places" while ASME Y14.5M -1994 standard uses "4X " which is the convention (although I can't see where this is explicitly stated in this GD&T standard.) Share
Abbreviations for "diameter" include ⌀, DIA, and D. D: diameter; delta: Abbreviations for "diameter" include ⌀, DIA, and D. For delta usage, see for example "delta notes". DIA: diameter: Diameter of a circle. Abbreviations for "diameter" include ⌀, DIA, and D. DIM: dimension, dimensioning: DOD, DoD: Department of Defense: See also MOD. DPD
21.10.2020 · You can find the list of common engineering drawing abbreviations. AF: Across Flats ASSY: Assembly CM: Centimeters CL: Center line CHAM: Chamfered CH HD: Cheese Head CSK: Countersink CSK HD: Countersink Head C’BORE or CBORE: Counterbore CYL: Cylinder or Cylindrical DATUM: Datum System “: Degree (of angle) DIA: Diameter DIM: Dimension DRG: …
Therefore, you’ll see several abbreviations and acronyms on your blueprints and paperwork. What do all those letters mean? Find out a few basic construction drawing abbreviations here. AFF - Above finished floor; AFG - Above finished grade; BOF - Bottom of footing; BOW - Bottom of wall; BP or B/P - Blueprint; CAD - Computer-aided drafting; DWG - Drawing
Below is a list of abbreviations found in a typical construction drawings to help you interpret the information in your drawings. A/C – air conditioning ABV – above ADDL – additional ADJ – adjustable AFF – above finished floor ALT – alternate APPROX – approximate, -ly APT – apartment ARCH – architect, -ural AWN – awning BA – bath BD – bedroom