Abbreviation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › abbreviationAn abbreviation is a shortened form of a written word or phrase. Abbreviations may be used to save space and time, to avoid repetition of long words and phrases, or simply to conform to conventional usage. The styling of abbreviations is inconsistent and arbitrary and includes many possible variations. Some abbreviations are formed by omitting all but the first few letters of a word; such abbreviations usually end in a period: Oct. for October, univ. for university, and cont. for continued.
Abbreviations | Oxford English Dictionary › how-to-use-the-oed › abbreviationsabbreviation (of) Abbrev. abbreviation(s) Abd. Aberdeen: Aberd. Aberdeen: Aberdeensh. Aberdeenshire: abl. ablative: Abol. abolition: Aborig. aboriginal: Abp. archbishop: Abr. abridged: Abridg. abridged: Abridgem. abridgement: absol. absolute(ly) Absol. absolute: Abst. abstract(s) abstr. abstract: Abstr. abstract(s) Acad. academia, academy, academic(al) acc. according (to) acc. accusative: Acc.