APA Style 6th Edition Blog: Abbreviations
blog.apastyle.org › apastyle › abbreviationsThe purpose of defining abbreviations in the table note or figure caption is that if other authors reuse your graphical display in a future paper, the definitions of the terms will be attached. Additionally, many readers will skim an article before reading it closely, and defining abbreviations in tables and figures will allow the readers to ...
APA Style 6th Edition Blog: Abbreviations
https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/abbreviations28.10.2015 · For abbreviations that end with a period, such as “Ed.” to indicate an editor in a reference list entry, add an s before the period, as in “Eds.” When pluralizing an italicized abbreviation, remember not to italicize the s, as in “ p s.” Just don’t add an apostrophe. For more information, take a look at our other posts on punctuation in APA Style.