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abbreviations list

Common Abbreviations - Infoplease
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Common Abbreviations ; mi, mile(s) ; min, minute(s) ; mm, millimeter(s) ; mph, miles per hour ; Mr. Mister (always abbreviated).
State Abbreviations list : 50 states abbreviations
www.softschools.com › social_studies › state
State Abbreviations: State Abbreviations List. State Abbreviation; ALABAMA: AL: ALASKA: AK: ARIZONA : AZ: ARKANSAS: AR: CALIFORNIA : CA: COLORADO
Lists of abbreviations - Wikipedia
Lists of abbreviations in the English language: • Athletics abbreviations• List of business and finance abbreviations• List of computing and IT abbreviations
Lists of abbreviations - Wikipedia
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Lists of abbreviations contain abbreviations and acronyms in different languages and fields. They include Latin and English abbreviations and acronyms.
Abbreviations List - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Abbreviations List . Syr. Συριακή App. Verg. Appendix Vergiliana. Apsines, Rhet. Apsines, Ars rhetorica. Apth. Prog. Aphthonius, Progymnasmata. Apul. Apuleius . Apol. Apologia Asclep. Asclepius De deo Soc. De deo Socratico De dog. Plat. De dogmate Platonis Flor. Florida Met. Metamorphoses. Ap. Rhod. Apollonius Rhodius . Argon Argonautica
List of abbreviations in the dissertation - Scribbr
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Where do you put the list of abbreviations? Using abbreviations and acronyms; Abbreviations in APA; Other lists in your dissertation. Where ...
Abbreviations | Oxford English Dictionary
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This list contains the most common abbreviations used in the OED. ... Most of the words listed are only abbreviated in certain contexts, esp. when used as a ...
Common Fabric and Textile Abbreviations List
abbreviations.yourdictionary.com › articles › common
Understanding common fabric abbreviations can give you important information about the fiber content of the textiles you use. Textile abbreviations, just like crochet abbreviations and knitting abbreviations, are an important part of understanding how to use fibers to make things.
Drug Abbreviations List - Rapid Detect
rapiddetect.com › drug-abbreviations-list
Drug Abbreviations List Download the Full Abbreviation List Here: A downloadable list of drug abbreviations showing both common and slang drug names for illicit, illegally acquired drugs of abuse.
List of Abbreviations - DPE
https://dpe.gov.in › List of Abbrevations_Main
List of Abbreviations. ASSOCHAM. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and. Industry of India. ASTO. Association of Sea Training Organizations.
1559 Common Text Abbreviations & Acronyms | Webopedia
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Huge List of 1,559 Text and Chat Abbreviations; The History of Text Messaging; Submit an Online Chat ...
Psych Nursing Abbreviations List - dictionary-spanish.info
dictionary-spanish.info › Psych-Nursing-Abbreviations-List
Our experts will hear you call for help, asking, “write my essay online,” as soon Psych Nursing Abbreviations List as you place an order with us. This is the first step you need to take to receive our spotless assistance.
Abbreviations | Oxford English Dictionary
Most of the words listed are only abbreviated in certain contexts, esp. when used as a subject label or in a work title. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | …
Currency Abbreviations List by Country
abbreviations.yourdictionary.com › articles
Currency Abbreviations List by Country Should you convert your money into another currency for your next trip? There are 180 world currencies recognized by the United Nations, which are used in 195 different countries .
List of Commonly Used Abbreviations
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Common Abbreviations ; Everyday Use · approx. - approximately; appt. - appointment; apt. - apartment; A.S.A.P. - as soon as possible ; Academic and Job Titles · BA ...
List of Abbreviations and Symbols - Oxford Handbooks Online
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pair list. PLD. primary linguistic data. PM. phrase marker. PMG. phase-based minimalist grammar. PP. prepositional phrase. PRO. phonetically null argument.
Abbreviations.com holds hundreds of thousands of entries organized by a large variety of categories from computing and the Web to governmental, medicine and business and it is maintained and expanded by a large community of passionate editors. Read more about our awards and press coverage.
Abbreviations List - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
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Abbreviations List B. Authors and Books Note: [- -] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions . A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition . A&A Antike und Abendland AA. see Syme, AA AAA Athens Annals of Archaeology AAHG Anzeiger für Altertumswissenschaft
List of Commonly Used Abbreviations
List of Commonly Used Abbreviations Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or lengthy phrases. You'll find them in almost every discipline and area of life, from commonly used abbreviations in names or titles, such as Mr. for Mister or Pres. …
List of Common Acronyms - Abbreviations and Acronyms
Nearly all are initialisms because they are pronounced letter by letter. Occasionally some are pronounced as words in conversation, though this is uncommon. The abbreviations that are sometimes pronounced as acronyms have been bolded. AFK - Away From Keyboard; BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit; BBL - Be Back Later; BBS - Be Back Soon; BEG - Big Evil Grin
Country Abbreviations List in Alphabetical Order
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Mar 10, 2015 · All of us know that there are 196 countries in the world. And all of this country is represented by a two-letter country code based on the International Naming Convention. Here we mention the entire country abbreviations list in alphabetic order below: