Panels that use the default data source will return the Access denied to data ... team or user that you want to grant query access to, and then choose Save.
Describe the bug a clear and concise description of what the bug is. When trying to create or import new dashboard i got the error Access denied to save dashboard ...
16.04.2020 · Create team Team1 and add user to it Set Editor permissions for folder Folder1 for Team1 Save as any dashboard from Folder1 to Folder1 with new name Try to edit new dashboard's json and click Save You will get "Access denied to save dashboard" grafana logs:
Click Save. Edit permissions. To change existing permissions, navigate to the permissions page as described above. Instead of clicking Add permission, change or ...
In the sidebar, hover your mouse over the Dashboards (squares) icon and then click Manage. Hover your mouse cursor over a folder and then click Go to folder. Go to the Permissions tab, and then click Add Permission. In Add Permission For, select User, Team, or one of the role options. In the second box, select the user or team to add permission ...
Otherwise, enter the full URL of the Grafana instance. Select Save changes. GitLab displays your link in the Menu > Admin > Monitoring > Metrics Dashboard.
Dashboard Permissions API. This API can be used to update/get the permissions for a dashboard. Permissions with dashboardId=-1 are the default permissions for users with the Viewer and Editor roles. Permissions can be set for a user, a team or a role (Viewer or Editor). Permissions cannot be set for Admins - they always have access to everything.
Apr 10, 2018 · Note that if the user try to create a brand new dashboard into “General” folder, it will get “access denied”. Also, if users moves a dashboard from folder he has editor/admin role to General folder it is allowed. Expected result is Access denied to save dashboard.
With 3.0.1 (on OpenShift 3.11) the deployment now complains: t=2019-12-16T12:32:30+0000 lvl=eror msg="Access denied to save dashboard" logger=context userId=0 orgId=1 uname= error="Access denied to save dashboard" t=2019-12-16T12:32:30+0...
Jul 09, 2018 · The user with the permission to edit in Folder A can create and save new dashboards in Folder A. What happened instead? When this user hit the save button, grafana says "! Access denied to save dashboard." Editing existing dashboards works as expected. Maybe it's similiar to #10671
Apr 16, 2020 · Add user with Viewer permissions. Create team Team1 and add user to it. Set Editor permissions for folder Folder1 for Team1. Save as any dashboard from Folder1 to Folder1 with new name. Try to edit new dashboard's json and click Save. You will get "Access denied to save dashboard". grafana logs:
Jun 01, 2020 · API - api/dashboards/db RESPONSE - 403 { “message”: “Access denied to save dashboard” } EXPECTED RESPONSE: Dashboard should be created. Documentation Dashboards Plugins Get Grafana When I try to create dashboard with dashboard api it gives 403
09.07.2018 · The user with the permission to edit in Folder A can create and save new dashboards in Folder A. What happened instead? When this user hit the save button, grafana says "! Access denied to save dashboard." Editing existing dashboards works as expected. Maybe it's similiar to #10671.
Dashboard Permissions API. This API can be used to update/get the permissions for a dashboard. Permissions with dashboardId=-1 are the default permissions for users with the Viewer and Editor roles. Permissions can be set for a user, a team or a role (Viewer or Editor). Permissions cannot be set for Admins - they always have access to everything.