Acronyms | 500 most common used acronyms and abbreviations 500 acronyms. This collection with over 500 acronyms will help you understand abbreviations used online, SMS, WhatsApp and any other way of communication. This page shows an overview of the most common used acronyms. t-shirts and more Some of the acronyms are also used as a print on t-shirts, on signs or in regular ...
Acronyms | 500 most common used acronyms › acronymsfour-letter acronym: FOAD: f**k off and die: FOAF: friend of a friend: FOB: f**k off bitch: FOC: free of charge: FOCL: falling of chair laughing: FOFL: falling on the floor laughing: FOS: freedom of speech: FOTCL: falling of the chair laughing: FTF: face to face: FTTT: from time to time: FU: f**ked up: FUBAR: f**ked up beyond all recognition: FUDFUCT: fear, uncertainty and doubt: FUCT