How to Use AUR with Arch Linux › aur_arch_linuxsudo pacman -S git base-devel. Once your system is ready, grab the AUR package with Git. git clone https: // /< pkgName > .git. Change the active directory. cd < pkgName >/. Start the building process. makepkg. Once the building process is complete, there will be a TAR.XZ file in the directory.
What is AUR? How to use AUR in Arch and Manjaro Linux? · What is AUR? AUR stands for Arch User Repository. It is a community-driven repository for Arch-based Linux distributions users. It contains package descriptions named PKGBUILDs that allow you to compile a package from source with makepkg and then install it via pacman (package manager in Arch Linux).. The AUR was created to organize and share new …
What is AUR? How to use AUR in Arch and Manjaro Linux? › aur-arch-linuxSep 18, 2020 · AUR stands for Arch User Repository. It is a community-driven repository for Arch-based Linux distributions users. It contains package descriptions named PKGBUILDs that allow you to compile a package from source with makepkg and then install it via pacman (package manager in Arch Linux). The AUR was created to organize and share new packages ...