History of Addis Ababa - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_Addis_AbabaHistory of Addis Ababa. The history of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, formally begins with the founding of the city in the 19th century by Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II and his wife Empress Taytu Betul. Prior to the establishment of present-day Addis Ababa the location was called Finfinne in the Oromo language, which attests the presence of hot springs.
Addis Abeba - Wikipedia
https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addis_AbebaAddis Abeba (Amhaars: አዲስ አበባ, 'nieuwe bloem'; Afaan Oromo: Finfinne) is de hoofdstad van Ethiopië.De stad telt zo'n 3.384.569 inwoners (2018) en is tevens de hoofdplaats van de Afrikaanse Unie.Wegens het grote aantal internationale organisaties dat er gevestigd is en de rijke geschiedenis en cultuur van de stad wordt Addis Abeba soms ook de hoofdstad van Afrika …
Addis Ababa - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Addis_AbabaAddis Ababa is a highly developed and important cultural, artistic, and financial centre of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa was depicted by many historians as a fortified place called "Barara" in the 15th century. Barara was immediately plundered by Ahmed Gran in the 16th-century.
Addis Abeba – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addis_AbebaAddis Abeba (amharisk for «den nye blomsten») er hovedstad i Etiopia og hovedkvarter for Den afrikanske union. Byen kalles ofte bare Addis lokalt. Byens beliggenhet ble valgt av keiserinne Taytu Betul og grunnlagt av hennes mann keiser Menelik II i 1886. Før Addis ble grunnlagt hadde det etiopiske keiserhoffet lenge vært nomadisk, og dro alltid videre etter at et områdes tilgang på brense…
Addis Ababa - Wikipedia
sq.wikipedia.org › wiki › Addis_AbabaHager Fikir Theatre Addis Ababa (April 2006) Zyrtare. Addis Ababa City Administration; Addis Ababa City Council; Informacione të përgjithshme. Global Integrity Report: Ethiopia [lidhje e vdekur] [lidhje e vdekur] has details of anti-corruption programs and government censorship.
Addis Abeba – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addis_AbebaAddis Abeba ( amh. አዲስ አበባ, „Nowy Kwiat”) – największe miasto i stolica Etiopii. Położone jest w centrum kraju, na wysokości ok. 2400 m n.p.m. na Wyżynie Abisyńskiej, u podnóża wygasłego wulkanu Entoto . Spis treści 1 Struktura etniczna 2 Historia 3 Zabytki i turystyka 4 Sport 5 Miasta partnerskie 6 Przypisy 7 Linki zewnętrzne Struktura etniczna
Addis Ababa - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addis_AbabaAmong the places of worship, there are predominantly Christian churches and temples: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (Lutheran World Federation), Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church, Ethiopian Catholic Archeparchy of Addis Abeba (Catholic Church), Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers' Church and also Muslimmosq…