adjectifs – · exercice adjectifs possessifs anglais 01/24/2017 Mathieu adjectifs Pour télécharger et imprimer cette page d’ exercice en PDF gratuit, cliquez-ici ! Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page. Remplacez le pronom sujet par un adjectif possessif: I have a car. car is red. I bought this camera for you. It’s camera now. Tina has a house.
LA POSSESSION - my English pages › training › exos_possessionComplétez chaque phrase avec le bon adjectif possessif.(Fill in the blanks with the right possessive) ATTENTION: il y a des pièges! a) Jane's brother is married to John's sister. _____ brother is married to ___ sister. b) John and ___ mother. c) Bill and Simone had a boat. ____ boat sank. d) Both Judith and ____ father like skating.