Adjective Usage and Examples | Grammarly › blog › adjectiveJan 14, 2021 · Adjective usage advice. We’ll end with a few words about adjectives and style. It’s one thing to know how to use an adjective; it’s another to know when using one is a good idea. Good writing is precise and concise. Sometimes, you need an adjective to convey exactly what you mean. It’s hard to describe a red sports car without the word ...
100% Accurate Adjective Finder Adjective Finder Works. The adjective finder works straightforwardly. It allows the user to input instructions, and the adjective clause finder highlights common mistakes in the document. In addition, the adjective phrases promote the accuracy of the tool, and adverb phrases online checker ingrained in the tools turn the writing to expert ...
Adjectives - Grammar Monster After the Noun An adjective can come after the noun. Jack was old. It looks green. He seems cheerful. In the three examples above, the adjectives follow linking verbs ("was," "looks," and "seems") to describe the noun or pronoun. (When adjectives are used like this, they're called predicative adjectives.) Adjective Immediately After ...