Adobe Audition - Wikipedia Audition was released on August 18, 2003. It had bug fixes but no new features and was essentially a more polished Cool Edit Pro 2.1 under a different name. Adobe then released Audition v1.5 in May 2004; major improvements over v1 included pitch correction, frequency space editing, a CD project view, basic video editing and integration with Adobe Premiere, as well as several other enhancements.
Adobe Audition - Wikipedia › wiki › Adobe_AuditionAdobe Audition is a digital audio workstation developed by Adobe Inc. featuring both a multitrack, non-destructive mix/edit environment and a destructive-approach waveform editing view. Contents 1 Origins 2 Version 2.1 Version 1 2.2 Version 2 2.3 Version 3 2.4 Version 4 (CS5.5) 2.5 Version 5 (CS6) 2.6 Version 6 (CC) 2.7 Version 7 (CC 2014)