Materials | About - MDPI Impact Factor released in June 2018 (2.467). The year 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of Materials. 2019: Materials published its 10,000th paper. Materials changes to a semi-monthly publication schedule. Two Societies cooperated with Materials: Portuguese Materials Society (SPM) and Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES).
Wiley-VCH - Advanced Materials Materials is the top weekly journal in the materials sciences with an ISI 2011 IF of 13.877 (+28% on 2010). It contains carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, and Communications at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials and devices. It has been publishing must-have materials science since 1989.
Advanced Materials - Wikipedia Materials is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering materials science. It includes communications, reviews, and feature articles on topics in chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, ceramics, metallurgy, and biomaterials. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2020 impact factor of 30.849.