ACS Materials Letters the Past, Embracing the Present, and Inspiring the Future of Materials-Based Research New Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Sara Skrabalak, introduces the three pillars that support her vision for Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters .
International Association of Advanced Materials - IAAM ...
https://www.iaamonline.orgPromising Materials Features Transforming Sustainable Development with Intelligence and Green Chemistry: Exclusive Paradigm of the Volume 12 of Advanced Materials Letter, July 2021 Favorable materials feature such as bioactivity, resistivity, thermomagnetic, interfacing, sensing is scalable with artificial intelligence, modeling, nanotechnology and green chemistry approaches.
Advanced Materials Letters subjects covered span through a wide range that includes materials of chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and technology. Advanced Materials Letters is a monthly journal that provides a platform to publish the latest research on both theoretical and experimental results as full papers, reviews, communication, letter to editors, etc.