01. EXTENSION EDUCATION Extension - Meaning
www.eagri.org/eagri50/AEXT391/lec01.pdfExtension service refers to a program for agricultural development and rural welfare which (usually) employees the extension process as a means of program implementation. Extension process is that of working with rural people through out of school education along those lines of their current interest and need which are closely related to
Agricultural and Extension Education
lsu.edu › agriculture › programsOur Agricultural and Extension Education major prepares future leaders to become educators in schools and extension professionals in the community. They help farmers and gardeners produce better crops, teach families about nutritious foods and lead high schoolers to discover a passion for plants and animals.
Home [aiaee.org]
https://aiaee.org11.02.2020 · The Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), established in 1984, is a professional organization for agricultural and extension educators who share a common goal of strengthening agricultural and extension education programs and institutions worldwide. Why should you join the AIAEE?
Home [aiaee.org]
aiaee.orgFeb 11, 2020 · Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education. The Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), established in 1984, is a professional organization for agricultural and extension educators who share a common goal of strengthening agricultural and extension education programs and institutions worldwide.