Agriculture’s impacts on water quality › wp-content › uploadsClimate change may impact upon water quality by affecting the volume of water flow, pathways for water movement, and the associated transfer of pollutants from agricultural land to water bodies. Future policies need to include requirements to manage land appropriately to reduce these impacts. Climate change may
Water and agriculture - OECD · The OECD also supported efforts in the G20 by Agriculture Ministers to adopt a declaration and action plan entitled “Towards food and water security: Fostering sustainability, advancing innovation” in 2017, which includes a number of significant commitments to improve agriculture’s water use, limit its impact on water quality, and reduce its exposure to water risks.
AGRICULTURAL IMPACTS ON WATER QUALITY - UNIV OF MINNESOTA › web › crisprojectpagesImpacts Outcomes/Impacts: A number of research projects that link land use in agricultural areas of Minnesota and water quality are ongoing continue to inform land managers and policy makers on new ways to keep land in production while protecting water quality. Several include: Artificially drained agricultural lands in the upper Midwest have come under public scrutiny because of exacerbated nitrate-nitrogen loads to surface waters and the Gulf of Mexico.