Agronomy Research
https://agronomy.emu.eeThe biological basis for the use of acrylic hydrogel and protein growth stimulant in the soft wheat and triticale cultivation. S. Stankowski, E. Chajduk, B. Osińska and M. Gibczyńska. Biomass ash as a potential raw material for the production of mineral fertilisers. S. …
Agronomy | An Open Access Journal from MDPI is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal published monthly online by MDPI.The Spanish Society of Plant Physiology (SEFV) is affiliated with Agronomy and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
Journal information | Agronomy Research › journal-informationAgronomy Research was established in 2003 by the Faculty of Agronomy, Estonian Agricultural University. Aims and Scope: Agronomy Research is a peer-reviewed international Journal intended for publication of broad-spectrum original articles, reviews and short communications on actual problems of modern biosystems engineering including crop and animal science, genetics, economics, farm- and ...
Submit Manuscript | Agronomy Research review model: Agronomy Research is the refereed journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Publication model: Online (open access) as well as Hard copy options Publication charge (includes VAT): 300 EUR
Submit Manuscript | Agronomy Research › submit-manuscriptPeer review model: Agronomy Research is the refereed journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Publication model: Online (open access) as well as Hard copy options Publication charge (includes VAT): 300 EUR
Agronomy | Instructions for Authors journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information. Authors should not unnecessarily divide their work into several related manuscripts, although short Communications of preliminary, but significant, results will be considered.
Journal information | Agronomy Research Research was established in 2003 by the Faculty of Agronomy, Estonian Agricultural University. Aims and Scope: Agronomy Research is a peer-reviewed international Journal intended for publication of broad-spectrum original articles, reviews and short communications on actual problems of modern biosystems engineering including crop and animal science, …
Agronomy Research
agronomy.emu.eeThe biological basis for the use of acrylic hydrogel and protein growth stimulant in the soft wheat and triticale cultivation. S. Stankowski, E. Chajduk, B. Osińska and M. Gibczyńska. Biomass ash as a potential raw material for the production of mineral fertilisers. S. Heikkilä, K. Sirviö, C. Nuortila and S. Niemi.