aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio ... read_default_group=None, no_delay=False, autocommit=False, echo=False, ssl=None, ...
1 Answer1. Show activity on this post. The commit needs to be inside the try block as you want to be sure to rollback if there is no commit. However selects do not require commits. If autocommit is True on your connection then each insert or update is considered a single transaction and implicitly committed.
aiomysql.ensure_closed ¶ A coroutine ends quit command and then closes socket connection. aiomysql.autocommit (value) ¶ A coroutine to enable/disable autocommit mode for current MySQL session. :param bool value: toggle atutocommit mode. aiomysql.get_autocommit ¶
The following are 26 code examples for showing how to use aiomysql.create_pool().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
The following are 26 code examples for showing how to use aiomysql.create_pool().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Given a DBAPI connection, return its isolation level. When working with a _engine.Connection object, the corresponding DBAPI connection may be procured using ...
aiomysql.autocommit (value) ¶ A coroutine to enable/disable autocommit mode for current MySQL session. :param bool value: toggle atutocommit mode. aiomysql.get_autocommit ¶ Returns autocommit status for current MySQL sesstion. :returns bool: current autocommit status. aiomysql.begin ¶ A coroutine to egin transaction. aiomysql.commit ¶
Welcome to AIOPG. ¶. aiopg is a library for accessing a PostgreSQL database from the asyncio (PEP-3156/tulip) framework. It wraps asynchronous features of the Psycopg database driver. Current version is 1.3.3.
Please note that you need to manually call commit () bound to your Connection object, because by default it’s set to False or in aiomysql.connect () you can transfer addition keyword argument autocommit=True. Example with autocommit=True:
If autocommit is True on your connection then each insert or update is considered a single transaction and implicitly committed. If autocommit is False then you automatically get transactions and must commit after your inserts. You do not need to call START TRANSACTION if autocommit is false.
aiomysql.autocommit (value) ¶ A coroutine to enable/disable autocommit mode for current MySQL session. :param bool value: toggle atutocommit mode. aiomysql.get_autocommit ¶ Returns autocommit status for current MySQL sesstion. :returns bool: current autocommit status. aiomysql.begin ¶ A coroutine to begin transaction. aiomysql.commit ¶