Air France KLM leading group in terms of intercontinental traffic on departure from Europe, Air France-KLM is a major global air transport player. Its main businesses are passenger transportation, cargo transportation and aeronautical maintenance.
Air France KLM - KLM France KLM Siden mai 2004 har Air France og KLM Royal Dutch Airlines blitt den største europeiske gruppen av flyselskaper: én gruppe, to flyselskaper og tre virksomheter. Air France KLM Sammen frakter Air France og KLM mer enn 77 millioner passasjerer per år. De opererer 548 fly, noe som gjør dem i stand til å fly til 318 reisemål i 118 land.
Air France KLM › enThe leading group in terms of intercontinental traffic on departure from Europe, Air France-KLM is a major global air transport player. Its main businesses are passenger transportation, cargo transportation and aeronautical maintenance.
Air France KLM
www.airfranceklm.comen bref Premier groupe en termes de trafic intercontinental au départ de l’Europe, Air France-KLM est un acteur majeur du transport aérien mondial. Ses principaux métiers sont le transport aérien de passagers, de fret et la maintenance aéronautique.
Air France–KLM - Wikipedia–KLMAir France–KLM S.A., also known as Air France–KLM Group, is a Franco-Dutch airline holding company incorporated under French law with its headquarters at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Tremblay-en-France, near Paris. The group has offices in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris, and in Amstelveen, Netherlands. Air France–KLM is the result of the merger in 2004 between Air France and KLM. B…
Air France–KLM - Wikipedia › wiki › Air_France–KLMAir France–KLM S.A., also known as Air France–KLM Group, is a Franco-Dutch airline holding company incorporated under French law with its headquarters at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Tremblay-en-France, near Paris. The group has offices in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris, and in Amstelveen, Netherlands. Air France–KLM is the result of ...