Airflow no module named for directory in airflow_home directory , use from support import inner instead. the path $AIRFLOW_HOME/dags will be added into sys.path ...
No module named docker", I should install "docker-py" (I find nothing about that in the Airflow doc)?. I try to use DockerOperator... Patrick Cockwell.
No module named docker - Code Redirect. Broken DAG: (…) No module named docker. I have BigQuery connectors all running, but I have some existing scripts in Docker containers I wish to schedule on Cloud Composer instead of App Engine Flexible. I have the below script that seems to follow the examples I can find: import datetime from airflow ...
24.04.2019 · I ran into this same symptom. I fixed it by adding && pip install pymongo \ to puckel/airflow:Dockerfile, near the other pip install commands and rebuilding the image.. Here's what I tried that did not fix the problem: Adding pymongo to requirements.txt and mounting the file. I verified that the module was loaded as expected via log messages in docker-compose …
Environment variables supported by Docker Compose¶. Do not confuse the variable names here with the build arguments set when image is built. The AIRFLOW_UID and AIRFLOW_GID build args default to 50000 when the image is built, so they are “baked” into the image. On the other hand, the environment variables below can be set when the container is running, using - for example - …
06.05.2021 · Airflow Docker – No module named ‘pyodbc’ 6th May 2021 airflow, docker, pyodbc, python. I have a Python script which uses Pyodbc to work with SQL Server, I’m trying to run this script with an Airflow DAG: auction_task ...
08.05.2018 · However, to get DockerOperator to work properly requires a bit more effort as the composer workers do not have access to the Docker daemon. Head to the GCP console and perform the following steps; after getting cluster credentials ). kubectl get deployment airflow-worker -o yaml --export > airflow-worker-config.yaml.
Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/gcs/dags/] No module named docker. Is it perhaps that the Docker is not configured to work inside the Kubernetes cluster ...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'XYZ' ¶ The Docker Compose file uses the latest Airflow image (apache/airflow). If you need to install a new Python library or system library, you can customize and extend it.
No obligation but if you want to help me, I will thank you a lot. ... Getting started with the DockerOperator in Airflow ... No module named 'docker'”.