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Investor - Aker BP
https://akerbp.com › investor-2
Investor relations. Aker BP is an independent E&P company with exploration, development and production activities on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
Investor information · Aker ASA
www.akerasa.com › en › investors
Investor contact. Joachim Bjørni. Head of Investor Relations. E-mail: joachim.bjorni@akerasa.com. Telephone: +47 924 22 106. Christina Chappell Glenn. (currently on maternity leave)
Investors | Aker Solutions
www.akersolutions.com › investors
Aker Solutions aims to serve the financial markets with precise and relevant information to ensure that the company’s share price reflects its underlying values and future prospects. Management Our executive management team has, on average, more than 25 years' experience in the oil and gas industry. Board of Directors
Investor - Aker BP
Investor relations Aker BP is an independent E&P company with exploration, development and production activities on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). The world will continue to need oil and gas for the foreseeable future. We believe the winners in the oil and gas market will be the companies that succeed in lowering emissions while reducing […]
Investors - Aker Clean Hydrogen
https://akercleanhydrogen.com › in...
Subscribe to get all our stock exchange releases sent to your inbox. Subscribe now. IR Contact. Christian Yggeseth. IR & Market Analysis. Send email ...
Investors - Aker Offshore Wind
https://akeroffshorewind.com › inv...
Subscribe to get all our stock exchange releases sent to your inbox. Subscribe now. IR Contact. Christian Yggeseth. IR & Market Analysis. Send email ...
Investor Relations Policy - Aker BioMarine
Aker BioMarine’s investor relations (IR) policy sets the basic principles for the company’s communication and dialogue with capital markets participants. Aker BioMarine aims to serve the financial market with relevant, comprehensive and timely information about the company, to form a good basis for making decisions related to valuation and trade of the Aker BioMarine share.
Investor relations - Aker BP
Investor relations Aker BP is an independent E&P company with exploration, development and production activities on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). The world will continue to need oil and gas for the foreseeable future. We believe the winners in the oil and gas market will be the companies that succeed in lowering emissions while reducing […]
Investor - Aker BioMarine
https://www.akerbiomarine.com › i...
INVESTOR CONTACT. Carl Chr. Bachke SVP Investor Relations, Aker BioMarine ASA. +47 909 808 48 carl.bachke@akerbiomarine.com. Carl Christian Bachke AKBM slim ...
Investors | Aker Solutions
Aker Solutions aims to serve the financial markets with precise and relevant information to ensure that the company’s share price reflects its underlying values and future prospects. Management Our executive management team has, on average, more than 25 years' experience in the oil and gas industry. Board of Directors
Investor information · Aker ASA
Investor contact. Joachim Bjørni. Head of Investor Relations. E-mail: joachim.bjorni@akerasa.com. Telephone: +47 924 22 106. Christina Chappell Glenn. (currently on maternity leave)
Investor - Aker BP
akerbp.com › en › investor
Investor relations Aker BP is an independent E&P company with exploration, development and production activities on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). The world will continue to need oil and gas for the foreseeable future. We believe the winners in the oil and gas market will be the companies that succeed in lowering emissions while reducing […]
Investorinformasjon - Aker ASA
https://www.akerasa.com › investorer
... egenkapital baseres på aktuell aksjekurs for de børsnoterte selskapene i Akers industrielle og finansielle portefølje, ... Head of Investor Relations
Investors | Aker Solutions
https://www.akersolutions.com › in...
Investor Relations Policy. Aker Solutions aims to serve the financial markets with precise and relevant information to ensure that the company's share price ...
Investors - Aker Horizons
www.akerhorizons.com › investors
Investors Aker Horizons seeks an open and continuous dialogue with the financial-market community aimed at promoting an understanding of our business and the value we create.
Investors - Aker Carbon Capture
https://akercarboncapture.com › in...
Watch our Q4 presentation webcast. Aker Carbon Capture seeks an open and continuous dialogue with the financial market community.
Investors - Aker Horizons
https://www.akerhorizons.com › in...
Stock Information, reports and investors relations. ... Aker Horizons seeks an open and continuous dialogue with the financial-market community aimed at ...
Investor - Aker BioMarine
www.akerbiomarine.com › investor
Apr 13, 2021 · INVESTOR CONTACT. Carl Chr. Bachke SVP Investor Relations, Aker BioMarine ASA +47 909 808 48 carl.bachke@akerbiomarine.com