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albion.comWelcome to! Welcome to one of the longest running commercial sites on the Internet, a portal offered as a public service and supported through advertising. You can trust -- we've been greeting and orienting new Internet users since 1990. We hope you enjoy our technical and literary approach to web publishing.
Albion – Wikipedia er det tidligst kjente navnet på Storbritannia. Navnet har imidlertid vært brukt spesielt om både England og Skottland. Navnet kan ha keltisk opprinnelse eller være enda eldre, fra en proto-indoeuropeisk grunnform som betyr både «hvit» og «fjell». På latin betyr albus hvit, og romerne regnet med at navnet Albion kom av dette, i forbindelse med de hvite klippene ved Dover.
Albion Online on Steam · Albion Online is a fantasy sandbox MMORPG featuring a player-driven economy, classless combat system, and intense PvP battles. Explore a vast open world full of danger and opportunity. Grow your wealth, forge alliances, and leave your mark on the world of Albion.
Albion - Wikipedia is an alternative name for Great Britain. The oldest attestation of the toponym comes from the Greek language. It is sometimes used poetically and generally to refer to the island, but is less common than 'Britain' today. The name for Scotland in most of the Celtic languages is related to Albion: Alba in Scottish Gaelic, Albain (genitive Alban) in Irish, Nalbin in Manx and Alban in Welsh