Chat Rooms - › ngmsn › 07chat-sampleBabbage Auditorium (Go word "events")-- Microsoft's chat area used for interviews and presentations from a variety of celebrities, movers-and-shakers, and miscellaneous "net.gods." Note that this area is a facilitated chat area, so all questions and comments are filtered through a moderator (see "Facilitated Chats" on page~198).
Chat - Albion Online Wiki › wiki › ChatChat. Albion Online has a global chat system with multiple channels that players may use and is moderated by Chat Moderators. When players enter the game on a new character, they will not be able to view chat until they have completed the Tutorial. By selecting the yellow triangle in the top left of the chatbox, players will be able to do the ...
Game Commands - Albion Online Wiki › wiki › Game_CommandsTalk in the Help chat channel /lfg, /lookingforgroup Talk in the Looking For Group chat channel /e, /emote: Express thoughts and emotions to nearby players /w, /whisper, /t, /tell [player_name] Send a private message to the designated player /r, /reply: Reply to the last private message you've received /rules See Albion Online's chat rules
Chat - Albion Online Wiki rader · Albion Online has a global chat system with multiple channels that players may use and is moderated by Chat Moderators. When players enter the game on a new character, they will not be able to view chat until they have completed the Tutorial.. By selecting the yellow triangle in the top left of the chatbox, players will be able to do the following: