Tiers - Albion Online Wiki
wiki.albiononline.com › wiki › TiersTiers. Tiers is a key concept of Albion Online and the primary measurement of character strength and progress through the game -- all equipment, crafting materials, and Buildings are assigned a Tier, and players must earn the ability to use features of a given Tier through the Destiny Board . Except for materials, entities of a specific Tier ...
Albion Online Gear - albionstore
https://www.albionstore.net/tag/albion-online-gear03.05.2016 · If you hate crafting, humanoid monsters drop equipment. The equipment they drop varies on the monster tier. If you kill a tier 3 monster, you have a chance to obtain tier 3 weapon. The same goes for crafting. There are a total of 8 tiers in albion online. Higher tier resources can be obtained through killing high tier monster or high level area.
Dive into anything - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › albiononlineJun 02, 2021 · Sorry if this is an annoying newbie post but I've literally just started playing and I'm working through the tutorial. I'm stuck on one of the quests called "The Open World" where you need to equip Tier 3 Journeyman's equipment. I've equipped shoes, jacket, helmet and bow but it just says 416/450.