28.05.2018 · Today we take a look at Hardcore expeditions in Albion Online, what are they, what do they offer and how do you go about doing them?.PLAY ALBION NOW - https:...
21.03.2021 · Gathering expedition maps. Apr 26th 2019. While gathering I think it would be interesting if there was a small chance to find maps of zones for gathering. The special maps would have higher tiered resources in them but would be on timers. Perhaps certain events or goals on the maps would increase the time before the maps closed.
In Hardcore Expedition, you have to defeat the high-level MobMob, and you will also need an ancient map to complete the Expedition. You can either find the map ...
16.06.2021 · Albion Online Expeditions (AO Exp) is a game mode that allows players to experience in-game content and events while playing in groups. Unlike normal mode, in which a group of players goes on an expedition to complete quest, monsters and dungeons in a linear order, AO Exp allows players to explore the world in an open-world format.