02.12.2021 · The meta in Albion Online’s PvP (Player v. Player) is always changing. To follow the trends, it is necessary to keep an eye on which weapons and which builds are performing well in Stalker and Slayer 1v1 Corrupted Dungeons.
Antes de falarmos das builds para HCE, primeiro tenho de explicar o que são os HCE´s, então vamos lá.. HCE ou Hard Core Expedidition é atualmente a forma mais rápida e mais segura de se fazer fama em Albion Online, nas principais cidades existe um Portal Azul, como este que pode ser visto abaixo:
Albion is a medieval fantasy MMORPG developed by Sandbox Interactive. It's been some time that the game was released and has surely made a mark in the genre ...
16.06.2020 · Albion Online Community ... HCE are not profitable compared to the money spent for gearing up. Besides at higher levels one death costs 100k silver or more for repairs. Limiting the HCE runs to 3 per day ruins the whole HCE system. ... 25. Dezember 2021, 12:35.
Click this video to see the top 5 best tank builds in albion online. There are 2 types of builds which are offensive and defensive tank builds and in this vi...
There's alot that we can talk about in improving Albion. I'm not here to talk about how some builds are just seriously OP. I'm not here to talk about how guilds create meta slaves or they will kick you out if you don't follow every order given. I'm not here to talk about how some items are so useless I don't even know why they're on the destiny ...
12.06.2021 · 🔰 Hey, what is going on guy? Today I am bringing you a beginner's guide to HCE's!!! This video is intended to be an introduction to Hard Core Expedition Dun...
02.12.2021 · Albion Online has many weapons and pieces of gear that can all be mixed and matched in a vast array of “builds”. Some are more viable than others, however, and it is not very intuitive to learn the ins and outs of what makes a certain combination of gear a “good build”.