Labourers return rates - Albion Online Forum › index › ThreadJul 16, 2019 · So far I have been tested T6/T7 crafting labourers with almost 1k sample size and seems pretty accurate so far. My T6 crafting labourers with 112.5% yield bring me 6 resources every time 5.3 * 1.125 = 5.96 so it's rounded up. My T7 crafting labourers with 115% yield bring me 5.112 resources on average 4.46 * 1.15 = 5.129 so it's very close.
Hired Laborers & Yield : albiononline - reddit › r › albiononlineIt varies, but if you give a rank 3 laborer a t2 book you get extra. 2. level 1. [deleted] · 5y. Happiness affects it, the tier of the laborer affects it. My tier 2 laborer yielded ~ 13, where as my tier 3 laborer is pushing closer to 20. Happiness is ~ 105% both ways, but would cause them to bring more if I could increase it further.
Laborer - Albion Online Wiki › wiki › LaborerLaborers are NPCs that can be hired from a House or Guild Hall to perform various tasks. Each labor hired from a guild hall costs 1000 Silver. Hiring laborers this way will always yield a tier 2 laborer. For higher tier laborers you must send them on jobs to increase their fame, or purchase them from the market .
AO Labourer tool cannot work journals higher than their own tier. The sales include the premium tax of 4.5%, non-premium members can expect a lower profit than shown after selling their labourer's output on the market. The cell is left blank if one of the journals or unenchanted materials for that journal has no current price on the city market.
Laborers in Albion Online: A Guide › zh › newsLaborers in Albion Online fulfill a vital role. While the resources they provide may not seem plentiful compared to the setup costs, they more than pay for themselves in the long term. In this guide we will talk about how to set up your first laborer house (or Guild Hall - See FAQ at the end) and give you enough information to plan your own ...
AO Labourer tool › housePrices provided by the Albion Data Project. If data project market values for: empty journal, full journal, and journal materials are all correct, this site's output should be correct for that journal. To contact the author see the Albion Online forum page.