Margin - Albion Online Wiki › wiki › MarginFor Premium players the tax rate is 3%, while non-premium players must pay 6%. Buy and Sell order charges Another factor to consider is the buy and sell order charges. For all players it is a flat 1.5% on buy and sell order charges. Formulas for Margin The formulas for calculating margin are as follows: Without Buy or Sell Orders
Setup and Premium Tax Calculation : albiononline › r › albiononlineSetup and Premium Tax Calculation. I am trying to create a spreadsheet to keep track of all my auction house stuff as its getting into an unmanageable state and there is no ledger in game I know of (pleeeease give us this one day) but when i create the formula to subtract the combined tax from the total value of the order my final total is ...
Premium - Albion Online Wiki › wiki › PremiumPremium status provides the following benefits: 30 Learning Points per day. 10,000 Crafting Focus per day for improved Crafting. Increased skill progression with a 50% Fame Bonus. Ability to buy a player island (with a minimum 30 days' Premium) Collect 50% Silver and loot from mobs. 50% increased Gathering yield (does not impact Laborers)
Margin - Albion Online Wiki taxes. Realistically you must include the expected taxes in your margin to make sure you are not taken by surprise when a profit turns to loss due to the tax collected. Tax is collected or paid when selling the items only, never buying. For Premium players the tax rate is 3%, while non-premium players must pay 6%. Buy and Sell order charges
Premium - Albion Online Wiki Benefits. Premium status provides the following benefits: 30 Learning Points per day. 10,000 Crafting Focus per day for improved Crafting. Increased skill progression with a 50% Fame Bonus. Ability to buy a player island (with a minimum 30 days' Premium) Collect 50% Silver and loot from mobs. 50% increased Gathering yield (does not ...
The Fantasy Sandbox MMORPG | Albion Online › en › shop20 Learning Points per day. +50% Fame. +50% Gathering yield. +100% Farm animal growth rate. 10,000 Focus Points per day. +50% Silver and loot from mobs. +100% Crop yield. 50% Reduced market tax. Ensure your character has Premium Status active at all times with this one month Albion Online subscription!
Trading - Albion Online Wiki › wiki › TradingNote the sell price given the tax rate. You must make sure you purchase the good for LESS than the highest tax price. For example if going to Fort Sterling and purchasing goods there, you much buy: Simple Stone Toy for less than 940 (non-premium tax) Stone Mask for less than 4700 (non-premium tax) Stone Idol for less than 23500 (non-premium tax)