only PvE available? : albiononline › r › albiononlineAdding to this, I doubt you'll be able to really only PvE. Even going for dungeons, etc. you're going to run into other players occasionally, and the game IS designed around open world PvP -- you WILL get ganked, you WILL die, and, if Albion is for you, you WILL love it.
Fast pve build : albiononline › r › albiononlineAlbion Online - Craft. Trade. Conquer. Summary. Albion Support willfully ignored Nigus' appeal, and although a solution of changing his current name to a racially unambiguous name was provided, it was swiftly rejected. TLDR, Nigus' name was forcefully changed because it vaguely resembles a racial slur, which was clearly not his intention.
The Fantasy Sandbox MMORPG | Albion Online Awakened sees a complete re-envisioning of open-world PvE in Albion Online, offering a huge range of activities for all player types. Mobs in the open world now upgrade to increasingly powerful versions the longer they remain alive, offering potentially massive Fame and loot in Albion's lesser-explored regions. For groups, Static Open-World Dungeons have been entirely …