Best early start build - Albion Online Forum › index › ThreadFeb 28, 2017 · Februar 2017. I am thinking 1 of 2 builds. Cant quite decide. 1. Wildstaff (thorns/energy regain), assassin chest (ambush/speed), soldier boots (shield run/reflect), cleric hood (iceblock/damage) 2. Great Fire (fireball/burn), scholar chest (fast cast/damage), scholar boots (run/damage), mage hood (poisen or energy regen depending and damage) I ...
Starter builds : albiononline - reddit › r › albiononlinelevel 1. JulianDelphiki7. · 5y. First of all good job on putting together the builds. I'm sure these will give a good direction for beginners to go in. Albion has a great set of items which allow many different combinations. This also means that there isn't a single build that is the best for every scenario.