Docker Hub › r › promDocker Hub Alertmanager The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver integration such as email, PagerDuty, or OpsGenie. It also takes care of silencing and inhibition of alerts. Documentation Installation
Docker Hub › r › skandylaalertmanager-discord Summary A minimal docker image with golang application, which listens for Prometheus Alertmanager's notifications and pushes them to Discord channel. Repository name in Docker Hub: skandyla/alertmanager-discord Published via automated build mechanism Environment configuration variables
docker - Prometheus Alertmanager - Server Fault · Both containers spin up fine and configurations mount correctly from specified volumes which you can check using the WebUI. However when I trigger an alert and it's showing as Firing. No alerts appear in alertmanager. Here is the docker commands I use to start both containers. docker run -d -p 9090:9090 --name=prom_server -v /prometheus-data ...