Yui - Discord
https://yuibot.app/commandsYui | A simple and modern Discord bot that provides fun and searching features to any Discord server, it also comes with a large selection of moderation tools. Yui is built on Node.js and uses the Discord.js framework.
Yui Commands - Discord Bot - Alternative.me
https://alternative.me › bots › yui-3Here's a list of all my commands: avatar, ban, bully, define, help, hug, info, inspire, kick, kill, kiss, lick, mute, pat, ping, poke, punch, purge, roast, ...
How to use Yui Bot on Discord - linuxhint.com
https://linuxhint.com/discord-yui-bot-discordUsing Yui Bot on your Discord server, you can execute multiple commands belonging to the 16 categories: Moderation, Automation, Features, Permissions, Search, Util, Info, Fun, Economy, Gambling, Profiles, Skills, Image, Reaction, Counter, and Ships.
Yui Bot Commands :) - Pastebin.com
https://pastebin.com/zYqTYiJMYui Bot Commands :) a guest . Jul 17th, 2017. 11,040 ... Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command. invite: Responds with an invite url. list: Responds with a neat list of commands. ... Discord Server Rules. Lua ...
Yui Discord - schooltool.ru
schooltool.ru › yui-discordJan 22, 2022 · Yui A simple and modern Discord bot that provides fun and searching features to any Discord server, it also comes with a large selection of moderation tools. Yui is built on Node.js and uses the Discord.js framework. Can someone help me find a perfect bot for like a hug, slap, punch, pat, highfive commands that use gifs:D please send help.
Yui Discord Bot | Top.gg
https://top.gg/bot/280497242714931202Discord Bot. Discord Server ... Vote (22.35K) Overview. visit the website for all the information you'll need including all the commands. I can't think of a 300 character long description but Yui has a ton of features listed on ... She pairs well with Eli and runs smoothly. I do have one complaint though about a command. The “Yui say ...
Yui | Discord Bots
https://discordbotlist.com/bots/yui-7029A Discord Fun/Moderation Anime Based Bot! Yui is a fun/modertion anime bot. Get up to 42 fun and moderation commands! Prefix: a! Add Yui Bot today and get all of these commands! Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List. We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide.
Autorole - Yui
https://help.yuibot.app/commands/automation/autoroleMake sure one of Yui's roles has the Administrator permission. Make sure all the roles you plan to add to the autorole list are already created. Yui cannot create roles. Usage: Adding and Enabling Autoroles. Command. Description. y!autorole add <role>. Adds the given role to the autorole list.
Yui - Discord
yuibot.app › commandsAllows you to delete messages with or without a filter. y!giverole. MANAGE_ROLES SERVER ONLY. Allows you to give a member a role using the bot. (helpful for mobile) y!kick. KICK_MEMBERS SERVER ONLY. Kicks the member you tag if you're allowed to kick them. y!nick. MANAGE_NICKNAMES SERVER ONLY.
Yui Bot Commands :) - Pastebin.com
pastebin.com › zYqTYiJMprefix:Shows or sets the command prefix. ping:Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server. about:Displays information about the bot. avatar:Grabs the profile picture of the user you mention. help:Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.