Find all your apps and programs - › en-us › windowsThere are several ways you can find what you need. Select Start , and then scroll through the alphabetical list on the left (if your Start screen is set to show as full screen, select All apps, and then scroll through the list). Tip: To reduce scrolling you can select any letter in the list, then in the alphabet links that display, select a letter to jump down to that section.
View All Installed Apps & Programs In Windows 10 › view-all-installed-appsMar 05, 2020 · Luckily, in Windows 10, there is an option to view all installed apps from one place, and you can launch apps from there. Step 1: Open the Run command box. To do this, simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys on the keyboard. Step 2: Type the following command in the box and then press Enter key to open the Applications folder, which displays all installed apps as well as classic desktop programs.
Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once - Ninite
https://ninite.com04.03.2021 · 1. Pick the apps you want Web Browsers Chrome Opera Firefox Edge Messaging Zoom Discord Skype Pidgin Thunderbird Trillian Media iTunes VLC AIMP foobar2000 Winamp MusicBee Audacity K-Lite Codecs GOM Spotify CCCP MediaMonkey HandBrake Runtimes Java (AdoptOpenJDK) x64 8 Java (AdoptOpenJDK) 8 Java (AdoptOpenJDK) x64 11 .NET 4.8