Noun Formation: Common Suffixes - › nouns-formation-with-common-suffixesFeb 16, 2019 · Noun suffix meanings. There are other suffixes that we can use to create nouns, such as -tion/-ation, -ness, -ity, -ment, -ship, -ance/ence, -er/or, -ian, -ist, and many more. We can divide them into several main groups to distinguish them by meaning.
Word formation: Noun and adjective suffixes › uploads › 4/2/0Other suffixes that can help you recognise the word class -ment: (nouns) excitement enjoyment replacement -ity: (nouns) flexibility productivity scarcity —lõd: (abstract nouns especially family terms) childhood motherhood -ship: (abstract nouns especially status) friendship partnership membership ive: (adjectives) passive productive active
List of Nouns with Suffixes - Useful English › writingNouns with the suffix TY (ITY). plenty, bounty, safety, nicety, deity, surety, liberty, poverty, property, puberty, honesty, majesty, certainty;. faculty ...