NATO phonetic alphabet - Wikipedia › wiki › N...The 26 code words are as follows: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, ...
NATO phonetic alphabet - Wikipedia final choice of code words for the letters of the alphabet and for the digits was made after hundreds of thousands of comprehension tests involving 31 nationalities. The qualifying feature was the likelihood of a code word being understood in the context of others. For example, football has a higher chance of being understood than foxtrot in isolation, but foxtrot is superior in extended communication.
NATO AAlfa a · code, ground forces can send messages to pilots, for example to request medical supplies. International Morse Code Morse code transmits text through on-off tones, light-flashes or clicks. It was widely used in the 1890s for early radio communication, before it was possible to transmit voice. a Alfa A (al-fah) phonetic alphabet, codes ˚ signals NATO
Buchstabiertafel – Wikipedia internationale Buchstabiertafel ist von der International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standardisiert im Anhang 10, Band II, Chapter 5, Figure 5-1, zum Abkommen über die internationale Zivilluftfahrt. Dort wird sie als „The Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet“ bezeichnet. Die Ziffern von 0 bis 9 werden in Chapter 5, Nr. separat geregelt. Chapter 5, Nr. legt fest, dass im internationalen Flugfunk Eigennamen, Betriebsabkürzungen und Wörter mit unklarer Schreibwei…