Altinn - A-melding – all forms › en › forms-overviewIn the a-melding, you provide information on employees' income, employment circumstances, payroll withholding tax and attachment of earnings, in addition to employer's National Insurance contributions. The information is sent to the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), Statistics Norway (SSB) and the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Din pensjon - er en felles innloggingsløsning til offentlige tjenester på nett, og gir tilgang til selvbetjente tjenester i NAV. Du kan logge inn med BankID, Buypass eller Commfides. Du kan også logge på med MinID, men det gir deg begrenset tilgang i Din pensjon. På finner du informasjon om hvordan du skaffer deg elektronisk ID.
Altinn - Innlogging er den primære innloggingskanalen til Altinn og er en felles innloggingsløsning for mange offentlige tjenester. Alternativ innlogging i Altinn Her finner du ulike innloggingsmetoder som gir brukere som har behov som ikke dekkes av ID-porten muligheten til å logge inn i Altinn.
Altinn - Logging in › en › helpID-porten is the primary way to log in to Altinn, and is a common log-in solution for many Norwegian public services. Altinn alternative log-in methods Here you can find different log-in Methods that are made to grant users with needs that ID-porten can't satisfy access to Altinn.
Altinn - Income report to NAV › income-report-to-navIncome report to NAV. (NAV 08-30.01) The employer must submit an income report when the employee is going to receive sickness benefit, parental benefit, pregnancy benefit, or benefits in connection with sick children or other family members. Due to necessary maintenance of Altinn on the 14th of May, some older income reports that you have ...
Altinn - ID-porten/MinID/BankID › en › helpID-porten. ID-porten is a common log-in solution for many Norwegian public services, and contains multiple log-in methods such as MinID, BankID mobile, BankID, Buypass and Commfides. ID-porten is run by the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi). Help with logging in using ID-porten.
Income report - › en › HomeJan 12, 2019 · The income report contains income details and other information NAV requires to process the application the employee has submitted. The goal of the income report is to prepare for automation, ensuring quicker and more accurate case processing. Go to "inntektsmelding" in Altinn.
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https://www.altinn.noAltinn rydder opp i de roller som automatisk gir rettigheter til Kontaktperson for norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak (NUF). Falske eposter og SMS fra Altinn. Vi får meldinger fra brukere som har mottatt e-poster fra eller, eller SMS. Dette er falske e-poster/SMS. Vi ber deg om å slette e-post/SMS.