Navicat On-Prem Server | Collaborate with your team anytime ... › en › productsRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 or later, CentOS 6.6 or later, Oracle Linux 6.6 or later, Fedora 20 or later, Debian 8.0 or later, SuSE Linux Enterprise 12 or later, openSUSE 42.3, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS or 20.04 LTS, Amazon Linux 2. Docker. Docker 17 or later. Free BSD. FreeBSD 10.4 or later
What is CentOS? - Red Hat › en › topicsMar 23, 2021 · Organizations and communities providing CentOS Linux-like operating systems—such as Rocky Linux, Amazon Linux 2, Docker, and AlmaLinux—will need to be consulted directly since Red Hat and CentOS maintain no involvement in these efforts. Rocky Linux, which was founded by CentOS co-founder Gregory Kurtzer, will also continue creating CentOS ...
Amazonlinux - Official Image | Docker Hub Linux Docker container images contain a subset of the packages in the images for use on EC2 and as VMs in on-premises scenarios. The container images can be configured to use any of the full set of packages in images for EC2 and on-premises use. The Amazon Linux 2 container images comes with Extras included. What is an Amazon Linux 2 Extra?