American English Phrases Collocation | PDF | Linguistic ... › document › 219088052AMERICAN ENGLISH PHRASES (Collocation same word with multiple combinations) HAVE a drink *** a good time a problem a relationship with lunch sympathy DO do do do do do do do do do do business nothing someone a favor the cooking the housework the shopping the dishes your best your hair your homework make make make make make make make make make make MAKE a difference a mess a mistake a noise an ...
British and American Technical English Collocations › files › pdfBritish and American Technical English Collocations Instructions for teachers Cut up one set of cards per group of 2-4 students, only cutting horizontally so the two halves of each domino are still together. Ask students to spread the cards out face up and work together to put all the cards together in a big circle by matching beginnings and
Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) overview Five minute tour. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the only large, genre-balanced corpus of American English.COCA is probably the most widely-used corpus of English, and it is related to many other corpora of English that we have created. These corpora were formerly known as the "BYU Corpora"), and they offer unparalleled insight into variation in …