PHRASAL VERB QUIZ GAME - American English › files › ae2. Download the Phrasal Verb Matching Game PowerPoint included with this week’s materials. a. The phrasal verbs used in the PowerPoint are focused on commonly used verbs: take, come, look, get, and bring. However, the Phrasal Verb Match Up cards and the PowerPoint can be changed to reflect other phrasal verbs that you may have taught in class. 3.
Essential Phrasal Verbs - › wp-content › uploadsThe phrasal verbs are listed in topic areas to make them easier to learn and remember. For each phrasal verb I show you how to use them, and there's also an example sentence. Important: How we use phrasal verbs There are 4 types of phrasal verbs. You need to know the type of phrasal verb in order to use it correctly. 1. Phrasal verb with no object