(PDF) Analytical Chemistry Lecture Notes ...
www.academia.edu › 5266578In other words analytical chemistry is concerned with the separation, identification, and determination of the relative amounts of the components making up a sample. Analytical chemistry is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter and the answer to two important questions what is it (qualitative) and how much is it (quantitative).
Harvey D. Modern Analytical Chemistry (MGH, 2000)(816S)
gtu.ge › Agro-Lib › Harvey DThe Language of Analytical Chemistry 35 3A Analysis, Determination, and Measurement 36 3B Techniques, Methods, Procedures, and Protocols 36 3C Classifying Analytical Techniques 37 3D Selecting an Analytical Method 38 3D.1 Accuracy 38 3D.2 Precision 39 3D.3 Sensitivity 39 3D.4 Selectivity 40 3D.5 Robustness and Ruggedness 42 3D.6 Scale of ...