Analytical Chemistry Chemistry is proud to launch a Diversity & Inclusion Cover Art Program featuring the creative work from BIPOC chemists. In their Editorial, Editors Christy Haynes and Jonathan Sweedler discuss the motivations for this initiative and share how you can contribute to …
Submission: Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry you do not have a substitutive email address, please provide the first one again. 2. Email Submission. Send your manuscript directly to this email for submission. Please type " Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry Manuscript Submission" as the subject of your email. 3.
Information for Authors - Analytical Chemistry › page › anchamSubmission of a manuscript to Analytical Chemistry implies that the work reported therein has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in any medium, including electronic journals and computer databases of a public nature. This manuscript is being considered with the understanding that it is ...
Author Guidelines - American Chemical Society › publish › author_guidelinesDec 06, 2021 · Manuscript Submission Requirements Checklist Scope: original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry; Cover Letter: include the full manuscript title, the name and complete contact information of the corresponding author, the name(s) of any other author(s), a statement of why the paper is appropriate for Analytical Chemistry, a description of any Supporting Information for ...