Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research - Longdom and Physiology: Current Research is an international open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal that aims to publish original research articles, clinical trials, reviews, case report, editorials, letter to the editor, short communication, opinion, book review, commentaries, short reviews and other special featured articles related to anatomy & physiology.
Studies in Anatomy and Physiology - Scholars.Direct in Anatomy and Physiology About Journal The journal is a multidisciplinary journal that is not limited to introduction to the human body but also covers cells, tissues & membranes, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system and reproductive system.
Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research › anatomy-physiologyAnatomy and Physiology: Current Research is an international open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal that aims to publish original research articles, clinical trials, reviews, case report, editorials, letter to the editor, short communication, opinion, book review, commentaries, short reviews and other special featured articles related to anatomy & physiology.