Podcast abonnieren - Indiefilmtalk
https://indiefilmtalk.de/abonnierenBei iPhones gibt es die Podcast App vorinstalliert. Suche da einfach in deinen Apps nach „Podcast“. Auf Android kannst du einfach aus dem Playstore eine passende Podcast App wie „Google Podcast“, „Podcast Addict“ oder jede andere Podcast-App wählen und den Podcast direkt anhören. Zusätzlich ist der Podcast hier überall zu hören: Apple Podcast
Podcast App - Apps on Google Play
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.streema.podcast&hl=enPodcast App. Podcast App is the easiest way to find, save and listen to all your favorite podcasts. Discover new podcasts and learn about any topic from news, education, comedy, politics to religion, crime, and many more. - and many others! * Access more than 2,000,000 podcasts. * Listen to more than 50,000,000 episodes, play them or save them ...
Podcast App - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsPodcast App. Podcast App is the easiest way to find, save and listen to all your favorite podcasts. Discover new podcasts and learn about any topic from news, education, comedy, politics to religion, crime, and many more. - and many others! * Access more than 2,000,000 podcasts. * Listen to more than 50,000,000 episodes, play them or save them ...
Google Podcasts - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsGoogle Podcasts now supports adding podcasts by RSS feed! Open the app and navigate to Activity, and then to the Subscriptions tab. Select the three dots in the top right corner and then "Add by RSS Feed." Once added, the podcast will appear along with your other subscribed shows, including at the top of the Home tab.