Synonyms of angry in English - › synonymsadjective · 1'Vivienne got angry and started shouting'. SYNONYMS. irate, annoyed, cross, vexed, irritated, exasperated, indignant, aggrieved, irked, piqued, ...
What is the adjective for angry? - Thesaurus and Word Tools for angry include angered, angerful, angerless, angerlike, angersome, angree, angrier, angriest, angry, angering, angrified and angrifying. Find more words ...
75 Synonyms for "Angry" - Daily Writing Tips › 75-synonyms-for-anJan 21, 2012 · Foaming: so angry as to suggest insanity caused by hydrophobia (rabies), from the idea that foaming at the mouth is symptomatic of the disease 30. Frustrated: angry or upset because of obstacles or challenges 31. Fuming: extremely angry, from the association of the person with a volcano or other heated natural phenomenon 32. Furious: intensely ...
200 Ways to Say “Angry”: A Word List for Writers · Angry Is an Innocuous Word, Unless It Appears Too Often. Are you a civilized writer? Sigmund Freud said civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock. Writers cast words. However, those words don’t have to include endless repetitions of angry.. A 17th-century proverb provides helpful insight: Actions speak louder than words.
What is the adjective for angry? - WordHippo › the-adjective-for › angryangry, irate, furious, incensed, enraged, infuriated, livid, outraged, ballistic, indignant, ireful, mad, rankled, riled, apoplectic, choleric, fuming, ticked, wrathful, rabid, foaming, roiled, shirty, sore, enflamed, hot, inflamed, infuriate, steaming, hopping, riley, wroth, steamed up, cheesed off, teed off, going crook, hopping mad, horn-mad, …
152 Synonyms & Antonyms of ANGRY - Merriam-Webster › thesaurus › angry(also enflamed), infuriate, infuriated, irate, ireful, livid, mad, outraged, rabid, rankled, riled, riley, roiled, shirty [ chiefly British], sore, steamed up, steaming, teed off, ticked, wrathful, wroth Phrases Synonymous with angry bent out of shape, blue in the face, fit to be tied, going crook [ Australian & New Zealand], hopping mad,